Saturday, September 27, 2008

I Give Up

Waiting for my energy to kick in, that is. It appears it is not going to happen this pregnancy. Maybe 'cause I'm old; or busier this go-around; or that DH works 50 hours a week; but I can't. get. enough. sleep. I drag around here just trying to survive. My house is a wreck, but at least I'm too tired to care, right?

The kids have been playing soccer for three weeks now. Every Saturday morning I have the pleasure of running around trying to find where their clean shirts, shorts, and shinguards disappeared to, and usually Sarah is behind it all. But if you ask her, she just puts her hands up and shrugs, saying, "I dunno, Mom." Then she shouts, "There it is!" when you find it. Cute. Notsomuch.

Maggie finally played today. Every week we would take her, and every week she would cry. She didn't know anyone, so she was too scared to play. This week I enlisted dear Aunt Ro to try and coax her into playing. It worked like a charm. She brought her to the field (I was already there watching Daniel play) and managed to get her close enough to introduce her to all the other kids. She did do some crying, but not nearly what she was doing for us. By the time we walked over to the field she was playing on she was a happy camper and just kept smiling and waving at us. Yeah. Only five more weeks to go.

Daniel plays on the first and second grade team. Last week he "officially" became part of the second grade team. The game is played in four quarters and they put the first graders out together in the first quarter, then the second graders for the second, and switch off and on until the end. I noticed today that there is only one other first grader that gets to play with the second graders, so I was quite impressed. It's amazing how much better he gets each week. I'll be curious to see where this leads one day. He has some cousins that are very good and play on the traveling team. I'm not so sure I'm looking forward to that as some of their games have been as far as Maryland!

Now if they traveled to Florida I wouldn't mind so much ; )

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

13 Weeks

Yes; it's been one month and some change since I posted. I know. I'd be mad at me, too.....that is, if I had any energy to work up some anger. *yawn*

And yes, it's going to be a lame post. Here's what's going on in there now:

There is a lot going on with your baby this week. Your baby's intestines are migrating from the umbilical cord into his or her abdomen. The villi are also forming in the intestines, and these help in peristaltic movements and digestion. The liver begins to secrete bile and the pancreas is even secreting insulin! All twenty teeth have formed and are waiting under the gums, while your baby has begun to practice swallowing by taking in the surrounding amniotic fluid and pass it back in his urine. Your baby can smile and his vocal cords are quickly developing, too. He looks more and more human as his eyes move closer together and the ears are beginning to move to what will be their normal positions. Your baby weighs between approximately 13 and 20 grams (½ and ¾ ounce) and is approximately 2½ to 3 inches long. The placenta and baby are about the same weight now.
This week marks the end of the embryonic period. Most of the vital systems are developed now, and baby starts really growing, at times, growing as much as an inch this week.

So, there you have it. Hopefully it won't be another five weeks before I update......but you never know!