Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The Return To Blogdom

Here I am, yet again, attempting to start a blog. It always sounds good in theory. My intentions are usually good, it's the time thing that usually gets in the way. But really, how hard is it to find time to do something you really want to do? Maybe I really don't want to do it? Often times I find myself watching the kiddos or laughing with my DH and find myself thinking "This is something I want to remember years from now;maybe I should keep a diary or, better yet, a blog!". So, I go about starting one, usually write a post or two (I think one of them actually had three!), and promptly forget about it for months (and months;okay, this last time was years *blush*) until another stellar moment (not that stellar moments only happen every few years....) I want captured happens and I remember........only to try and find the darn thing and forget my password so I can't log in. And the email I used where they would send me my reminder is no longer in existence. Do you see where I'm going with this? I suck at blogging.

But this time (Yes, this time!!), it will be different. I will log in daily (eh, aren't I optimistic?) and blog something, anything to keep this thing afloat. This is where I will keep track of all those stellar (and not stellar, as the case may be) moments that have been lost in this old brain of mine. One day I will be able to read to my kids all the funny things they have said and done......and all the times that they added another gray hair to my head.

Today, for instance, they are adding gray hair. I'd much rather add some more laugh lines to this wrinkling old face, but they are deadset on the gray right now. My boys have taken to the age where everything is becoming a competition. Did I mention EVERYTHING? This often turns into fighting (since we can't have two winners now, can we?) and yelling (um.....on their part, not mine. Definitely not mine.) and them being seperated. My wonderfully encouraging husband tells me "It only gets worse!" when I cry to him about our boys turning into such hooligans! He usually then laughs at me, saying they are a far cry from hooligans. *sigh* I hope he's right.

Well, it's finally sunny out today after a weekend of rain and clouds, so I will head out to enjoy it. Tomorrow will be even warmer, but I'll tell you all about that then when I log on to do another post ; )

1 comment:

Kristin said...

Hey, Claire -- welcome to blogdom. It IS a great way to record and share those memories.

BTW, when I log in, I click on "remember me", so it keeps me in for about 2 weeks without having to put in the password every time.

Have fun!