Saturday, June 7, 2008


I had a long post all about setting up the pool, being incredibly hot outside, etc. and somehow blogger ate it (Hey, look, I found it!! I'll figure this blog thing out one of these days). Blah. I'm too tired to retype everything, and quite annoyed. Suffice it to say, it's hot outside and we are enjoying the pool.

Maybe one day I'll actually find my photo thingy (yes, I'm a professional photographer, can't you tell?) and being able to share some photos of said pool.


Melanie said...

Are you really a professional photographer? Just wondering 'cause I love photography!

Claire said...

No, I was joking; althoug I would LOVE to take a class and become one. I've always enjoyed taking pictures.

Melanie said...

I'd love to take a photography class, too, but I never have.