Dear Charlotte Rose,
You are 3 years old today. We're going to pick up Alexa and Shannon and head to the pool club. While we're there you will remind me, over and over, how big you are getting. My pleading with you to stop growing means nothing to you. All you do is giggle and smile, saying, "Mom, I can't stop growing; God made me this way!" *sigh* Indeed He did, but did He have to move it along so fast?
It's amazing to me that you are only turning three. Sure, size wise you are right on target (maybe even a tad bit small), but that brain of your's! The questions that you ask; jokes that you get; sports that you can play; bikes and scooters that you can ride; all of it beyond your years. There have been many times another mom will turn to me and say, "How old is she, again?" with a confused look on their face, as they watch her out run, out jump, or out smart their four year old. We're used to it, but I can remember when you were just four months old having that same confused look on my face when I realized everything you understood at such a young age. My dear child, you haven't slowed down at all. Whether it's because you are our fourth child trying to keep up with your older siblings (I suspect that's a big part of it) or just naturally smart, you really keeps us on our toes.
Along with turning three comes the 3yo-whine-instead-of-talking faze I so look forward to with you children. How about we make a deal and you just skip it and move right along to the more obedient age of four? You were trying it out this past weekend and you saw that I didn't like it, so just drop. Now. Okay, sweetums? It's not a pretty momma when her face contorts into all kinds of weird ways, right? That's what happens when mommy's ears hear that and it travels to her brain making her face strange.
Tonight's dinner is your choice, as is the tradition around here on birthday's. Do you know what you picked? Chickens and cheeseburgers, and french fries, of course. A la Wendy's. I'm shocked.....not. There are very few things that you are willing to eat. They include: cereal, pancakes, pb&j or pb&fluff, Wendy's, mini pizzas, grapes, apples, bananas, and just about anything sweet. Oh, yeah, it's fun to serve you meals. My favorite part of the day is when I put your dinner plate in front of you. It makes my heart swell with pride when I hear, "Thanks mom, for this delicious dinner." Oh, wait, that isn't what I hear; usually it's, "But I don't like this dinner." And from there you will dig in your heels and refuse to even try a bite. If we look under stubborn in the dictionary, your picture is there.
It's amazing how fast the years have gone by, and equally amazing how much you have brought into my life! I am so looking forward to watching you grow in the years to come. Well, little birthday girl, it's time to head to the pool, where I am sure you will tell everyone you come into contact with that "'I'm the birthday girl!" and they will all smile and wish you a Happy Birthday. May the Lord watch over you today, and all the days of your life!
Aw, happy birthday to her -- what a CUTIE! My youngest two are very verbal and I'm sure it's from being around the older kids, too. (Makes it easier on a homeschooling mommy!)
Aw! Happy belated birthday to Charlotte! I hope she had a wonderful day!
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